Episode 18- Crime & Anti Social Behaviour

In the aftermath of the Dublin riots and more riots in Coolock and dozens of arson attacks on refugee accommodation centres, many people will be thinking Gardai have lost control. Added to a general perception of many, with the level of drug use that our city centres are not safe, there is increased anxiety about how safe we are in our society.

I ask former Assistant Garda Commissioner Jack Nolan the following questions:

Was the Minister for Justice right in stating that Dublin was generally safe, last year?

Is crime going up, down or staying the same?

The protests are out of control- will Gardai get on top of the situation?

How to combat misinformation?

How is Garda morale?

Why is drug crime increasing?

Is there a case for decriminalisation or legalisation of drugs in Ireland?

Do we have enough prison spaces?

Have Gardai lost control of anti immigrant protests?

Can people have confidence in the Gardai to respond to crime?






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