Episode 3- Gormanston College: the 7 day boarding school

Today, it is a school like any other but not so long ago in a bygone era, it was the Franciscan boarding school for boys. By 2015, when the school transferred to the public sector, there were 250 pupils left – mostly day pupils and they included boys and girls. In 1991, there were 600 boys only and of this number 550 were 7 day boarders. What was it like?

Credit: Jim Fitzpatrick (yes, the same Jim who painted the iconic Che Guevara image. Jim is an ex pupil)






One response to “Episode 3- Gormanston College: the 7 day boarding school”

  1. Jim Monaghan Avatar
    Jim Monaghan

    My older brother went there. He started in Multyfarnham in Westmeath. H ehated it. Luckily for him, he was not abused. One story he told me. A grandson of Dev was there and got a letter from Dev. He had to get a teacher to translate it for him,
    I did the entrance exam but did not get a scholarship (Par ents were a bit poorer by then) so went to the CBS in Kells

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